Mark Gray Australian Landscape Photography

VIC: +61 (03) 5975 5558  QLD: +61 (07) 5446 6324

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Learn how to capture professional quality photo's in only 1 day on our leading Perth photography course and learn the simple but effective techniques of Mark Gray, one of Australia's leading landscape photographers...

Perth Photography Course

Photography Courses Perth
Perth Photography Workshop
Photography Workshops Perth

Established in 2009, our exclusive Perfect Perth photography course is a highly unique one day photography workshop on the road that allows photographers from complete beginners through to intermediate amateurs to learn how to capture professional quality landscape photographs.

Rather than sitting down in a boring classroom environment, photographers are escorted around the beautiful city of Perth in a modern air-conditioned mini-bus & taught essential photography skills while visiting stunning locations at the best times.

Workshops are limited to only 6-8 participants to ensure everyone gets plenty of 1 on 1 tuition at each location.

Workshops often book out months in advance so secure your place online today to ensure you don't miss out!



Visit Perth's major tourist attractions at the best times of the day to shoot them
(Perth City, Kings Park, Swan River, Cottesloe Beach, Matilda Bay, Narrows Bridge & more)
Receive personal photography tuition at each location from a 'Mark Gray Accredited Photography Instructor'
Group technical sessions allow you to learn photography in a small group environment
Take home a technical handbook with extensive landscape photography tips and advice
Enjoy an exquisite 2 course lunch and delicious afternoon tea
Enjoy the comfort of our spacious air-conditioned current model Toyota Commuter Mini-Bus
Workshops are limited to only 8 people



Perth, Western Australia

A delicious lunch and afternoon tea are included on the workshop.

Skill Level Required
Suitable for complete beginners through to intermediate amateurs.
*** We highly recommend our photography tours for more advanced photographers

Fitness Level / Difficulty
Moderate. Some easy-pace walking required at various locations.

Equipment/Clothing Required
· Digital OR Film Camera (Digital is preferred as it allows for on-location photo critique)
· Tripod
· Polariser Filter (optional but recommended)
· Sturdy, Comfortable Walking Shoes
· Suitable clothing for all wet and dry weather conditions

Places Available
Each workshop is limited to only 6-8 participants



• Part 1 Camera Setup
Setup your camera for the day. Learn the best choice of lens, which filter to use and how to use your tripod & cable release.
• Part 2 Exposure, Camera Modes & Understanding Your Histogram
• ISO, Aperture & Shutter Speed
Learn what these settings are and how to use them to capture the best quality photographs from your camera and lens.
• Creative Camera Modes (Aperture Priority, Shutter Speed Priority & Manual Mode)
Learn the 3 most important camera modes on your camera. How they operate and when (and how) to use each mode.
• Understanding Your Histogram
How to use your histogram to perfect your exposures.
• Part 3 White Balance, Raw Vs. JPG & Focusing
• White Balance
Learn about white balance - what it is, how and when to change it.
• RAW vs. JPG
Learn the benefits of shooting RAW vs. JPG.
• Focusing for Landscapes
Learn basic and advanced focusing techniques for landscapes.
• Part 4 Composition Technique & Working with Natural Light
• Composition Techniques
Learn the most effective composition techniques to help you place your camera in the perfect position every time.
• Natural Light

Learn the importance of working effectively with natural light in a city environment. Best times of day to shoot, best angles to shoot and how seasons / time of year effect your photographs.
• Filter Basics
Learn the 2 most important types of filters to own for landscape photography and how to use them.
• Part 5 Recommended Resources
A comprehensive list of websites for photo sharing, photo tutorials, weather information and more.
• Part 6 Recommended Suppliers
A comprehensive list of recommended suppliers for camera equipment, printing, framing and more.



"Hi Mark, thanks for the photography course on Saturday. Kings Park and Narrows Bridge were my favourite locations but Cottesloe wasn't bad either! I particularly enjoyed doing the traffic trails at Kings Park. The meals were excellent and technical sessions were great. I loved that parts were tailored to suit my event photography. Simple yet effective, the manual was also a great addition! Fantastic that personal attention was given to each student at every location. Thanks again Mark & all the best."

- David, WA

"Hi Suzy, just getting back to you with some feedback from the Perth Photography Workshop.

I thoroughly enjoyed the locations that Mark picked. It was good for all because we started at an easy location and it progressively got harder. With our new techniques we were learning throughout the day, ending at Kings Park was perfect! I took away new knowledge of how to create that special landscape shot, which I have been putting into practise a lot more!

Any questions we had on equipment they knew the answers to which was great for me because I'm looking into buying more lenses and it’s so difficult to figure out which one is right. Having the guys able to tell you straight away what was going to be good for us was perfect instead of sitting there and reading a few hundred reviews.

The jetty in South Perth before Narrows Bridge was my favourite location!!! It was just after the rain had stopped and the sun had started peering over the clouds and it created beautiful colours that reflected onto the water :)

I've always wanted to know how to do the traffic blur photos and when I captured a few I was ecstatic! I also loved how Jason showed me a different way to change the colours in my camera to enhance a particular colour or to dim it a little bit, this was very helpful!

The restaurant that we were taken to for lunch was beautiful! Definitely a gem! The food was lovely and the service was good.

Some of the information in the first couple of sessions I had already learnt from going to tafe photography courses, but it wasn't boring at all because it's always nice to have a refresher. The guys really knew their stuff and the sessions were really informative, any question you had they knew. It was also nice that they knew which functions our cameras had so we did not spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to find things.

I really enjoyed that we got the 1 on 1 tuition with Mark and Jason. It was nice to not feel rushed and I didn’t ever feel that I was being annoying by asking so many questions. I knew that everyone else would get there own time with them so asking extra questions here or there didn't make me feel like a nuisance.

Everything that was involved within the Perth photography course was amazing and I had such a great time!"

- Shay Hohapata, WA

“Hi guys, just letting you know that I thoroughly enjoyed the Perth Photography course.  It was good to meet other people with the same passion for photography. My favourite location was Queen St Jetty, but this may have been because the weather had improved by that stage!

The assistance provided by both Mark and Jason during the workshop was outstanding and the lunch and afternoon tea were both delicious.

The technical sessions were excellent.  Pitched at just the right level and the pacing was also spot on. During the location based tuition both Mark and Jason were very knowledgeable and approachable. Thanks again.

- Fiona, WA


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With 260 International Awards, Mark has owned and operated 4 retail galleries across 3 states of Australia, his work now collected in 32 countries across the world.

Australian Photographer

Considered by many to be Australia's new leading landscape photographer, Mark's work and passion for his craft is unsurpassed. He is also highly regarded for his unique ability to teach the art of landscape photography to photographers of all skill levels, making complicated things appear remarkably simple.

Mark's passion and unique teaching abilities are now shared with his team of passionate instructors allowing for more workshops to be released and more budding photographers to learn and experience the joy that landscape photography can bring.

Read Mark's Full Biography


“Hi Suzy, I’ve wanted to do a Perth photography workshop like this for a long time and realise I should have done it sooner! The value for money was 10/10 and my favourite location was Narrows Bridge closely followed by King’s Park.

The timing of every stop on the tour was absolutely perfect and although my camera wasn’t quite up to spec, it still did the job! The restaurant offered great food, fantastic location and a relaxed atmosphere.

The teaching side provided a really good balance between technical sessions and practical application. Mark should come over to Perth more often!”

- Craig Harris, WA

"Hi Mark, just would really like to thank you for an AWESOME 'Perfect Perth' Landscape Photography Workshop!! You made this trip such a memorable experience and I am amazed with the photos I have taken with all the technical advice, it was very helpful.

You and Matt were extremely friendly and I would recommend you to anyone who are interested in your photography courses!

We were blessed with a gorgeous day, the scenery was something we just had to enjoy and what better way to do it, by taking photos of our beautiful city? Your very helpful and a knowledgeable person to learn from, instantly increasing our photography knowledge. Matt was also friendly and a great tour guide!

My favourite location would have to be Narrows Bridge and the Matilda Bay Boatshed. It was very interesting learning what settings were best for landscape photography and how to use your polariser filter.

Lunchtime at Cottesloe Beach Hotel was delicious, I think I will be going there again one day just to enjoy a lovely meal with the family and the coffee and muffin stop was just bliss!

It was a pleasure to be one of the first people to experience your first ever Perth photo tour! It was definitely worth the investment, I know I will be trying out those locations sometime in the near future. My birthday pressie from my husband was your workshop, after I told him I wanted to go, and it sure was worth it! Thanks again!!


- Mastura, WA

"Hi Mark, I'm so sorry that I have not responded before now but work has been a bit manic. Please don’t take my silence as a reflection on the Perth photography course - I thought it was brilliant! I really enjoyed the whole day but my favourite spot was probably the night time shots - bit of dazzle in the effects under the bridge and looking down from Kings Park. The food was fab, the company great and the tuition all fantastic!"

- Linda, WA

"Hi Suzy, I very much enjoyed the Perth Photography Course – the mix of theory and practice was great – although the occasional rain didn’t do much for my hair! The value for money was excellent and all of the locations were fantastic. The technical sessions were the highlight for me, they were outstanding. Mark’s personal tuition was amazing, he is very good at getting you to understand and not indimidating at all - he clearly has extensive knowledge!"

- Tania Sinibaldi, WA

"Hey Mark, it was a wonderful day and I captured many great photos. Thanks again for the experience and Matt for driving us around :)


- Sam, WA
Photograph Photograph

ALPA Tech Cameras
Phase ONE Digital Camera Backs
Nisi Camera Lens Filters
Bellini Picture Frames
Manfrotto Camera Tripods
©Website Copyright Mark Gray Fine Art Landscape Photography 2004-2024. All rights reserved.
©All content & photos protected by International Copyright Law & cannot be used without written permission.